Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars


What I liked:

The story was very sweet and funny.  The plot was well developed and the pace of the story was great (with the exception noted below).

It was easy to experience the emotions that Ashlee did throughout the story.  Though she was beautiful, she was insecure, feeling like she was incompetent and always in the shadow of her "perfect" twin and older brother.  And Beau was sweet and dense and made some bad choices.  Which made him perfectly imperfect.

The secondary characters were also enjoyable.  While many came from previous books in the series, it has been so many books since I read them, I didn't remember their stories, but it didn't detract from my enjoyment of this one.  So it can stand alone with no problem.

What I didn't like:

Too many typos and grammatical errors.  I get really distracted by grammar errors in stories.  I don't always mention them, but there were enough in this story it was distracting to me.  I blame my mom for this.  :-)  I hope the author gets a good proof-reader for her next book.  She is too good a writer to let things like this detract from her stories.

The ending.  Not that it wasn't satisfactory - it was.  It was just that parts of the epilogue felt a little like the author realized that she had loose ends to tie up, so she resolved a bunch of things there all at once.  It wasn't quite like a laundry list, but some of the details could have been left out or the resolutions could have been explained a little more creatively.

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

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  • 16 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 16 September, 2017: Reviewed