Case Pending by Dell Shannon

Case Pending (Atlantic Large Print Books) (Library of Congress Crime Classics) (Murder Room)

by Dell Shannon

In Lieutenant Luis Mendoza's first case, he is faced with a three-way mystery involving the senseless killing of Elena Ramirez, a blackmailing involving a below-the-radar adoption, and a young man's guilt.

And when Mendoza connects Elena's death with that of another woman, and investigates two further hunches, he draws closer to a solution . . .

'Quite Outstanding' Guardian

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Case Pending is a modern American procedural gem (and the first in the Lt. Mendoza series) by Dell Shannon. Originally published in 1960, this re-format and re-release from Poisoned Pen Press is part of the Library of Congress Crime Classics series. It's 240 pages (in the print edition) and available in paperback and ebook formats. Other editions are available in other formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately.

This is a very early procedural and still has a fair bit of the feel of a traditional mystery (as well as the bones of a procedural). The series also stands out also for having a tough and intelligent (and rich) Hispanic main character. The story works well as a standalone (as far as I remember all the books in the series do). It's well written and well plotted with several disparate threads which keep readers engaged as they intertwine toward a satisfying denouement. There are a few unresolved threads at the end foreshadowing later stories.

The Los Angeles setting is well written, but dated (the book's 60 years old at this point). Some readers may find the racism and sexism of the time disturbing. There's not much graphic violence in the book and it should be considered PG rated.

This edition is enhanced by the inclusion of historical notes and background information as well as book club discussion guided question prompts. A foreword by Dr. Carla Hayden (Librarian of Congress) also provides some historical background context as well as an interesting and erudite introduction by Leslie Klinger.

Four stars. I enjoyed it enough to go chase down several of the later books in the series.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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