Reviewed by chymerra on

3 of 5 stars

The man on the cover of this book is beautiful. I literally sat at my desk for 10 mins, drooling over him….lol. I have a thing for muscular, tat’d bad guys (even though I have been in a relationship with someone is muscular, not tat’d and a reformed bad boy for almost 13 years). I usually don’t comment on the cover of books I review but this one I had to.

What I loved about this book was that there was no InstaLove or InstaLust. Jada and Creed have been in lust/love with each other since they were teenagers. Creed didn’t exactly hide his wanting Jada from anyone. The only one holding him back was Jason, Jada’s twin brother and Creed’s best friend. Jason asked Creed not to hook up with Jada (even though they both wanted to). But, there is a horrible accident where Jason dies (not giving anything away….its in the first chapters of the book) and after the funeral, Creed and Jada do hook up on the roof of her house and then left right afterwards.

The author does fast forward a year (from Creed’s perspective) and he has turned into an enforcer (he kills people who owe’s the club money) for a MC (doesn’t say which one). He just doesn’t give a flying flapjack about anything or anyone. Jason’s death has affected him greatly. Then there is a fast forward 4 years from Jason’s death and Creed is the same. He uses the club’s Angel chasers (what they call woman who will do anything to be an old lady) for sex but doesn’t have a connection with them or anyone. He is still hung up on Jada.

Then, bam, Jada is back in the picture. She is the old lady to Kenny, a member of the Shadows Heat MC (storyline #2). She has gone downhill after Creed left her. She is beaten on a daily basis, uses god knows what drugs, prostitutes (well forcibly prostitutes…Kenny makes her) for the Shadows Heat to bring in money and she is forced to sleep with other brothers with Kenny. She is also drugged up all the time (Kenny shoots her up). To put it mildly, she is a hot mess. The night she meets up with Creed again, she is at the Fallen Angel’s clubhouse with her friend…taking a break (if you can call it that).

Creed about flips a lid when he sees her again but he can’t get her to stay with him. The next time they meet up, Jada is in the hospital for an OD (after being injected with something by Kenny) and Creed is there after being shot. Creed busts both of them out and so begins their relationship again.

While the sex was hot, I kinda read it shuddering. Jada was a prostitute (forced but still had sex for money) who had sex with numerous men and she does it bareback with Creed. All the time. I am definitely not a prude (hello, 3 kids over here) but jeeze….lol.

Jada and Creed’s relationship also moved very fast too. But, like I said above, these two have been lusting after each other since they were teenagers. So I really wasn’t surprised when they started doing the dirty almost right away.

I won’t get into the book past this point but let’s just say that Kenny isn’t happy that Jada left him (and his club) and has taken up with Creed and his club. There was a twist that was revealed mid book that I totally didn’t see. I also really didn’t understand Sharp doing a 180 during the book after the twist was revealed. The ending of the book kinda surprised me. I wasn’t expecting what happened to happen.

How many stars will I give Creed: 3

Why: While I really liked the book, I really couldn’t move past the violence and the swearing. Like I said above, I am not a prude at all, but when every other word out of both Jada and Creed’s mouth is “effing”, it just drags the book down. I found myself skimming some of the dialogue because of that.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes but with a warning about the explicit sex and graphic violence.

Age range: Adult

Why: Language, Sex, Violence

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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  • 1 November, 2016: Reviewed