Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

The Chalet is the 3.5 book in The Submissive Trilogy by Tara Sue Me. This book is best read as part of the series rather than as a standalone.

Abby King is a submissive and about to be married to her Dom. She is on top of the world and sees her dreams all coming true. She is happy and comfortable with how her life is going. She is also not stress about her wedding and getting married. Abby seems ready for whatever the future holds for her.

Nathaniel West is New York City’s most eligible bachelor and a Dom. He seems ready to be married to his fiancé. While Nathaniel never thought he would marry he seems comfortable in his decision to marry Abby.

The connection between Abby and Nathaniel is intense. Abby comes up with the idea of no sex or playing for a month before the wedding. I loved that Nathaniel is willing to go along with her idea. The sex scenes were hot and steamy.

I found this book very well written with a realistic plot. The main characters and secondary characters were fascinating. The ending of the book was a bit predictable but this book seemed more about the wedding and the relationship between Abby and Nathaniel continuing. Overall, this was a great book that I had a hard time putting down. I can’t wait to read the next book.

Reviewed by Victoria for Cocktails and Books

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  • 10 September, 2014: Reviewed