Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

SEDUCTIVE SHADOWS is a dark, suspenseful, erotic romance.

This book was an unexpected surprise. It wasn’t the type of story I thought it would be, but I wasn’t disappointed, I was delighted. The story revolves around Charlie. She is a young woman who has spent twenty three years with a disinterested, promiscuous, alcoholic mother. Charlie is an emotionally crippled, strong, complicated woman, who had to deal with a lot of pain in her life. She has few people she can count on in her life. Charlie is only able to relate to others through sex because that is all she knows. She is an art student enrolled at Northeastern University taking a couple classes at a time, because she has to work and take care of her mother. She takes care of her mother, although her mother never had time for her. Most people would only see the bleakness of their life, but Charlie never gives up hope. I admire Charlie, even though I didn’t always agree with her decisions, she has a courageous spirit and is willing to do anything to survive.

Marni Mann slowly reveals information about Charlie’s life through flashbacks. This gives the reader tiny glimpses of Charlie and it kept me reading trying to figure it all out. This book is an emotional rollercoaster.

Most of the characters in this book are flawed in some way. Cameron was my favorite character in the book, because he never expected more from Charlie than she could give. And he was hot. Then there is the doctor, who is full of surprises.

This is a riveting book and the plot has twists and turns I never anticipated. The book’s ending left unanswered questions. I’m not sure if the author expects the reader to come to their own conclusions, or if there will be another book. Marni Mann’s SUDUCTIVE SHADOWS is a well written, gritty story about ordinary people dealing with their issues and their pain. It pulled me in from the first page.

Reviewed by Karen for Cocktails and Books

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  • 24 July, 2013: Reviewed