Reviewed by funstm on

4 of 5 stars

The second Leigh Koslow mystery, Never Sorry, sees Leigh wrapped up in another murder mystery - this time, one that she's the prime suspect of.

While getting her new advertising business, Hook, Inc, up and running, Leigh takes a part time job at the zoo to pay her rent and buy food. She finds herself working with her teenage crush, Dr Mike Tanner - a veterinarian who worked with her father to gain graduate experience - and her home room seat buddy, Carmen Koslow (no relation). And then an arm is found in the tiger cage and Leigh suddenly finds herself in the middle of a murder.

The second book was a fast paced action packed read. The action was good and kept me on the edge of my seat. The romance made me want to scream. Leigh's crush on Mike was cringeworthy. I didn't get it at all. But to be honest, I didn't really get or like what the hell was going on with Warren either. I mean I can guess where it's going - but I didn't love it. That said, the mystery part of these books is fantastic - as is the friendship. Maura and Warren and Leigh are total BFFs and I love the total supportiveness they all have for one another. And Cara and Gil as well.

Maura was legendary in this. I love her no nonsense attitude and the lengths she goes to to protect Leigh from herself. Although as much as Leigh can annoy me I will say I did like that she sees Maura all stressed and tired from looking after her mother and volunteers the keys to her apartment to let her rest and to stay and watch Mary. I mean it was a master stroke of luck for her as well, ( the apartment gets broken in to and evidence placed to frame her but since Maura is there - even though she sleeps through it, her first instinct is to report it and make it official - which ends up destroying the plan, gets the police back onside and proves her innocence. Maura's the bomb. ) but I like that she was looking after her friend. Especially when it seems like Maura and Warren are always the ones looking after her.

The twist was interesting and I didn't quite see it coming. Overall it was a strong, well written mystery with lots of humour and heart. 4 stars.

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