Reviewed by Charli G. on

5 of 5 stars

**I received a copy of this book free from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

I have to say, this book was definitely fast paced and very hard to put down. I ended up not going to sleep because I couldn't bear to put the book down and go to sleep. I had to know what was coming next.

I was intrigued about the title of the book, expecting more of a military-type novel than what it actually was. I certainly wasn't expecting a plastic surgeon accused of murder to figure out a terrorist attack, so it was a pretty interesting read.

I longed for a bit more information on Elizabeth Keyes and on Dr. Scott James's wife Alicia - I'd love to know what made her such a cold-hearted person toward her husband. Other than that, the characters that needed a lot of development had it, even if you didn't get to see it right away.

All in all, the book was very well written and I can't wait to read more of the Dr. Scott James thrillers!

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  • 6 July, 2017: Finished reading
  • 6 July, 2017: Reviewed