Vamp Camp by Wynn Wagner

Vamp Camp

by Wynn Wagner

Who knew that being a gay vampire could be loving and tender? This is a fast adventure and all the scary/creepy/freaky drama you'd expect. You also get the wicked wit of Mrten Larsson as he learns to live (no, not 'live' exactly) as a vampire. From steamy sex to hunting rogue goons, Mrten masters the art and science of vampirism. Did he want to be a vamp? Not so much. He wanted it as much as he asked to have a sissy circle over the '' in his name. His mother didn't ask him about the name, and his Maker didn't ask if he wanted to be a vampire. He just woke up dead one day with a piece of paper that said, "Dude, you're a vampire. Drink some blood" but in a language he didn't even know. Another vampire found Mrten and agreed to teach him how to be a vamp with the proper amount of suction. Mrten tells us how he did it at VAMP CAMP. He has to survive without getting staked. He gloats that he and his boyfriend can make love levitating on the topside of a cumulus cloud. Funny, sexy.

Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

Vamp Camp was very different than I was expecting. For one, there is no camp involved. Just a mansion where a master vampire resides. Second, it's historical! That was actually a bonus since I always wanted to read an LGBT Historical Romance. Although this is really more of a Paranormal Romance in a historical setting, but whatever. Mårten was in the US Navy during WWI and wound up as a prisoner-of-war. One of the guards turned him into a vampire and left him in the woods. Luckily, Metz finds Mårten and teaches him the ways of the vampires.

I kind of liked Vamp Camp, but for the most part I was bored. There is no plot whatsoever, but it's not like there was no plot because the focus was on the romance. The story is told by Mårten as a book. Like he acknowledges that he is writing his story and we are reading it. I do love second person POV, but for some reason the book awareness angle rarely works for me. But that wasn't really the problem. It was that it read more like a vampire instruction manual than as Mårten's thoughts on the subject. Every conversation with Metz was a lesson, so I wasn't quite as invested in the story as I could have been if they were doing something else.

The romance was sweet though. Mårten and his "donor" Oberon are super sappy and super in love and super all lover each other. I also thought it was cute how they gave each other language lessons, since Mårten speaks English and Oberon speaks German. However, they understand each other perfectly most of the time despite the language barrier. They also have lots of sexy times.

Vamp Camp was just okay for me. The lack of anything happening and the type of humor used didn't resonate with me. I'm not a fan of the repetitive line as a recurring joke thing. I find it annoying, and sadly it was used a lot. Something exciting does happen toward the end, but by then it was too late. While I did enjoy the romance, I don't think it's enough for me to continue the series.

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  • 1 July, 2015: Reviewed