Draw Your Own Fonts by Tony Seddon

Draw Your Own Fonts

by Tony Seddon

Learn how to turn a doodle into a terrific, fully functional font with this easy-to-follow guide to hand lettering and how to do it. With 30 complete alphabets drawn in a variety of styles by a team of designers and illustrators, you too can learn how to  create energetic, funky fonts that seem to jump off the screen, the poster, or the page. With tips and demonstrations on how you can copy or adapt the alphabets to make them your own and sections on how to use your fonts online as well as on paper, this is a do-it-yourself book that will appeal to anyone who has ever begun a hand-lettered project – then wondered why it didn’t have the punch of professional work. Let your inner creativity flow and put your personality into a bespoke font designed by you!

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


Nice cover on this one. Fabtastic representation of the subject matter. Good composition and eye catching title work as well.

Anyone that knows me knows I am a bit of a typography whore. The font folder on my computer is overflowing at this point. So I knew that this book was going to be right up my alley and I was not wrong...

It's fun and easy to use. Packed full of useful information (ABOUT HAND LETTERING, DEVELOPING A SKILL SET, TRACING & TAMPERING, UNDERSTANDING LETTERFORMS). With fun graphics and fonts ( Including pages where you can practice your own hand lettering. Each font has a bit of extra information (ANATOMY OF THE FONT, KEY FONT DETAILS, NATURAL PARTNERS). It also includes a few chapters on how to use your newly drawn fonts (HOW COMPUTERS HANDLE FONTS, BITMAP VERSUS VECTOR, DRAWING & SCANNING FONTS, DRAWING WITH VECTORS, DIGITIZING YOUR FONTS).

If you love typography and designing your own fonts, then this book would make a nice little addition to your collection.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 9 September, 2017: Reviewed