Bob's Burgers by Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers

by Bob's Burgers

  • Now you can read about the Belcher family (parents Bob and Linda, and theirchildren Tina, Gene and Louise) with brand-new in-canon stories created by theTV show's producers, writers, and animators! That's right, all-original storiesthat expand upon the fan-favorite animated series, including hilariousinstallments of "Louise's Unsolved Mysteries", "Tina's Erotic Friend Fiction","A Gene Belcher Original Musical", "Letters Written by Linda", "Bob's Burgers ofthe Day", and much more!
  • "If you like Bob's Burgers and you like comic books then you may feellike you're living in one of the greatest times in human history becauseBob's Burgers and comic books are coming together in the form of theBob's Burgers Comic Book. But, of course, we could really mess it up.Then you'd feel like you were living in one of the worst times in human history.Either way, we hope you'll check it out. We tried to make something that's trueto the show and true to the form without being a sad knock-off of either!"— Loren Bouchard, the creator of Bob's Burgers

Reviewed by Sarah Says on

4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through Net Galley – So thank you Net Galley, the Authors & Publisher.

I’ve only every managed to catch a few episodes of Bob’s Burgers the show and I liked what I saw. I decided to give the Comic book version a ago and I’m glad it did as it was a really fun and quick read.

‘Volume One’ contains the first Five issues. Each issue is set up with each Belcher getting their own sections to show off their quirky wonderful selves. My favourite throughout was Tina’s erotic friend fiction, it gave us everything thing from a Frankenstein Jimmy Jr with a perfect butt, to Tina as a super hero horse with some zombie apocalypse thrown in for good measure. I also really enjoyed Louise’s fort inspired shanty town and giggled out loud when it imploded on itself. Linda’s letters were amusing and Bob’s burgers of the day were delicious. I couldn’t really get into Gene’s Musicals, although the farting frog pied piper was a goofy bit of fun - I felt everything else transferred to the page from the screen really well.

I’ve gone and got myself some Bob’s Burgers DVDs now :-) time to give them a go.
Four Stars.

If you like Bob's Burgers and you like comic books then you’ll be in Belcher Burger heaven with this.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 4 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 4 March, 2015: Reviewed