Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Christmas Past is a delightful holiday novella with a Science Fiction twist! Sydney is a time traveler who studies diseases from the past. On her venture to 1810, her time machine breaks down and she's stranded. According to the Protocol, she's suppose to destroy her time machine (disguised as a wagon) and down a fast acting poison. This is all to prevent changes to the past that may alter the future. However, as Sydney is about to take the pill, Miles Griffin stops her. He's seen the inside of her time machine and the iPad, so he believes her story, but can't bare to let her kill herself. He convinces her to spend Christmas with him, and hopes that he can woo her into staying with him.

I loved the way time travel was explained in Christmas Past. It's a simple explanation, since this is under 40 pages, but it makes sense. Miles understands it, too, for the most part, and why Sydney can't tell him anything about the future. They spend a fun Christmas Eve dinner together with friends, and then get some alone time afterward. Griffin quite enjoys how forward women of the future are. Of course, Sydney decides to stay but not until she realizes something very important about her time machine. I quite liked that little twist, and can't help but wonder: who did it and why?! Dun dun dun!

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  • 30 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 30 November, 2013: Reviewed