Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars

Last year I first heard about Sarah when I read her book,
We Lived in Heaven: Spiritual Accounts of Souls Coming to Earth.

In my review of that book here is what I said...
"I have always been a firm believer in how thin the veil is between this Earthly world and Heaven. My experiences have mainly been because of things that happened after my infant son, Matthew, died. Most of the experiences that are shared in the book, We Lived in Heaven,occur before children are born. It shows how spirits have visited their families before their births. My church believes that we existed before this life. We also believe that we will live again after death.

I read this book on a Sunday and could feel the spirit of this book. I felt chills, so many times, as the power of these stories unfolded before me. There are 33 stories told that have such different and unique writing styles and viewpoints. The author also shares her own beautiful story about her children.This is a book that you can pick up, read a few stories, and then pick up again a day later. I ended up reading the book in one sitting; that is how compelling the stories are. It would be so hard to pick just one story that will stay with me for a long time, but the story called,A Letter To My Son, about adoption, really hit home for me. I am adopted and there was divine intervention that allowed me to come to my family. So this story truly spoke to my heart. I also loved the story called Eternal Memories. My daughter also had an experience along these lines remembering my Grandmother, who has passed away the year before her birth.

I recommend this book to those who need to feel close to Heaven or a loved one that has passed. This book will also give you a much needed spiritual lift. It will make you cry and also make you laugh in a few spots. Sarah Hinze has written a wonderful book,whose stories will linger in your mind, long after you finish reading."

I was very interested in reading Sarah's story behind how she came to write the many stories of unborn children. God gave her a mission in life to champion the unborn. As you read about Sarah's life you will be amazed at her experiences. At an early age she could sense the presence of angels around her. After her children were born she realized that those angels had been her own children. This autobiography shares her beliefs about God and life before birth. I have always been interested in life before birth and after death. Sarah's books have only strengthened my belief in these very spiritual things.

In her six previous books, including “Coming from the Light”, "Songs of the Morning Stars", and “Life Before Light,” Sarah Hinze has provided the evidence and anecdotes she has gathered over the years to show that “unborn children can warn, protect and enlighten us from another plane of existence.”

If you are interested in these kind of experiences, you need to read about Sarah Hinze's extraordinary life. You will feel enlightened, uplifted, and closer to God's spirit in your life.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 February, 2013: Finished reading
  • 6 February, 2013: Reviewed