Reviewed by nitzan_schwarz on

4 of 5 stars

Originally posted on my blog
I received an e-arc copy from Carina Press vie Netgalley. Thank you!

I'm a fan of historical romances, which is why I chose to request the title on Netgalley when I saw it, and I'm very glad I did as I think Compromising the Marquess might be one of my favorites historicals so far, and I definitely think you should check it out!

My affection for the book has to do mostly with the characters and the romance of the story. 

First we have Leah who is a girl from low statues; curiouslovingcaringintelligent-- With her parents gone, she has no choice but to sell secrets to keep her and her sick sister afloat; even if she rather likes the people she's gossiping about. Two things set her apart from the common heroine;
One - she was not beautiful. Not ugly by any means, but Leah Elliot is not a beauty to be reckon with. She's just a person, who's personality sets her apart from everyone else; she listens to no one, has opinions of her own (and she's not afraid to tell them), she is courageous and unashamed--everything a "lady" isn't. Then there was the fact she had prior knowledge of the sexual process through her readings, which really set her apart from the normal virgin heroine.
And I really loved her for all those.

Second there is Hal, who is a swoon worthy guy. Aside for being totally sexy, he's also kind, and has that rugged quality we girls so love to read about. He's a person not afraid to do as he likes, especially in his own house. He'll do anything for those he loves, and isn't easily--if at all--intimidated. 
He's almost instantly attracted to Leah, and they make a great couple.

I absolutely loved their relationship. It was so well build and based. You could see the process of them falling in love - it was attraction at first sight, but it took time to develop that attraction. They fit perfectly, as well, making one hell of a couple and a force not to trifled with. 
It got to the point that you knew that neither would ever find someone that accompanies them so well. 
As Leah's not a beauty, it was amazing to see how she became beautiful to Hal throughout the story. It wasn't her actual, physical looks, but rather his love and feelings for her that made her the most compelling and beautiful woman around for him. It started from him saying she wasn't beautiful but there was something about her, to him thinking that she was stunning. 
I think that really conveyed what love is; seeing the other person as beautiful no matter what.
All of Hal and Leah's encounters were wonderfully executed, and the physical parts done just in the right amount. There were some extremely sweet moments, and I loved each one of them. 

The plot for this book focused on their relationship, but it was also surrounded by danger; there was the issue of identifying a murderer and in the midst of the book, by a coincidence, uncovering a possible different murder. There were some very nice fighting scenes. 

The ending left me wanting more. I was thinking; 'this couldn't end here! I want to read more!'. 
I'm rather sad we didn't get to hear all the responses to their engagement, as that should've been great fun. I imagine her aunt and the women who wanted to trap Hal to their daughters flapping around like fishes, Bethany and Flick smiling joyously (after their momentarily surprise, of course) and Robert and Gabriel laughing at everyone. 
The cover of the book, having "The Forsters" branded on it, gives me hope that this will turn into a series and I'll be able to peek some more at Hal and Leah!

All in all, this was a real great book to read, and I'm grateful to have received a chance to read it!

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  • 7 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 7 December, 2012: Reviewed