Red Range: A Wild Western Adventure by Joe R. Lansdale

Red Range: A Wild Western Adventure

by Joe R. Lansdale

In a tale of hope set amidst the hyper violence of America’s 19th century, this new edition tells the tale of Red Mask, a tough as nails vigilante who rides to fight the tragic racism of a Klan-dominated Texas. 

Written by multiple Bram Stoker Award winner JOE R. LANSDALE and illustrated by Golden Age comic book master and WWII veteran, SAM J. GLANZMAN, this volume presents the classic graphic novel in color for the first time, and includes an Introduction by Mojo Press’ RICHARD KLAW and Afterword by STEPHEN R. BISSETTE. As a bonus, this book contains a little-seen story by Glanzman, “I Could Eat a Horse!” Red Range has been called “an edgy tale like no other” (Fantastic Fiction) and “an outrageous story, on par with Quentin Tarantino at his best” (Comics Grinder), and the saga is replete with a monstrous, genre-bending story twist that is nothing less than mind-blowing. Shamefully ignored when originally released in 1999, the time is finally right for Lansdale & Glanzman’s Red Range, a tale of savage vengeance, stone cold justice, and beastly & bloody comeuppance!

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

I've been a huge fan of basically everyone involved in this project for years, so when I got the chance to receive a review copy, I jumped unhesitatingly at the chance.

Red Range is a reprint/reformatting/re-release of an original graphic novel from 1999. Combining completely over the top violence, horror, camp and humour, it explores (explodes) racism and societal violence. If the new cover weren't enough warning, this is not for the faint of heart. In the introduction, Richard Klaw talks about his shock and disgust reading the work for the first time. He describes his reaction as visceral, and I think that's a very apt word choice. I literally recoiled reading the first page. I have absolutely no doubt that that was the author's and artist's intention.

The intro and afterword are well written and historically interesting. The main body of the work is also well done, but very difficult to read in places. It is shocking and graphic and ugly.

The narrative is unrelenting and fast paced. There were places when I read something and thought 'Wait, what?!'. The last quarter of the book is weirdly violent or possibly violently weird. I could definitely see this as a pilot issue for a series. I would pay good money to read it. :) I've dinged a half a star for the fact that it just sputters to a halt at the 'end'.

Emphatically not for the squeamish or easily offended. The book is every kind of violent there is (including implied bestiality, sexual and racial violence, horrible language, etc etc).

Available in hardcover, electronic, and paperback formats, published by IDW Publishing and released 20 June, 2017.

Four and a half stars for what it is.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 21 May, 2018: Reviewed