Plain Change by Sarah Price

Plain Change (Plain Fame, #2)

by Sarah Price

"After being forced to leave the farm, Amanda Beiler, a young Amish woman from Lititz, Pennsylvania finds herself immersed into the world of Alejandro Diaz, a famous Cuban singer living the life in the limelight of international media. As she travels with Alejandro, she begins to see more of the world and, despite the apparent differences, also recognizes that their lives are more similar than she thought. What happens when that bridge is finally crossed between two very conflicting worlds and two extremely different cultures?"--Page 4 of cover.

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

3 of 5 stars

My Rating: 3.75 stars

"She had watched the pairing up of couples and realized that everything seemed too orchestrated. So planned. So preordained. She didn't want to live a life that was so constricted.
She wanted to life life, period. To appreciate the beauty of nature, to think about the world, and to dream about what might be out there, waiting for her. She wasn't made from
a cookie-cutter mold. No, she realized, she was different and wanted something different. She just didn't know what it was."

When Amanda is still being hounded by the paparazzi, and it is slowly ruining her and her parents' life. The Bishop doesn't like it and is suggesting that Amanda leaves so that the community can get some peace from the paparazzi. With the help of Alejandro she is able to, but now she is forced into his very fast-paced "Viper" lifestyle.
She really struggles with trying to balance her religion and his new lifestyle, which is slowly becoming hers. With the public taking such an interest in her and her not having really spent much time out of Lancaster, she can't really go anywhere alone and ends up just having to stay inside or close to Alejandro at all times to keep her safe. To also help her blend in Alejandro has her go shopping to get a new wardrobe, which provides a problem due to the stylist wanting her to be showy, and wear high heels, and Amanda wanting to wear things that keep her covered and flat shoes.
As she start's meeting all of his friends, and people that work for him she realizes that she is the only one who wants nothing from him and only wants the real him not the famous "Viper". (can he please get a new manager?)
As the book goes along Amanda really struggles because she starts realizing how easily she is becoming a part of Alejandro's life, she also struggles because of how she feels towards him and she knows that if she chooses him, then she will never be able to go back to Lancaster and her parents.

While all of this is going on, she is also having a lot of memory's from her childhood, and memories of her brother, and we also learned what happened to him and why her and her sister were sent to Ohio in the first book.
Surprisingly enough I actually liked this ending even though it was rather romantic, and I am very interested in seeing how she deals with what is most likely, going to happen in book three.

"She realized that she had done more than simply change over the past few months. She had grown into a friend, a woman, and a wife."

Thank you to Netgalley and Waterfall Press for giving me a galley of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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  • 8 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 8 February, 2016: Reviewed