The Beautiful Being by Jessica Barksdale Inclan

The Beautiful Being

by Jessica Barksdale Inclan

Entirely unbidden, Jane Austen's ghost has taken up residence in Ellie Barnett's mind, and seems determined to stay there. Jane's wise and witty advice guides Ellie through the hell of adolescence and beyond, serving as the voice she trusts, usually far more than her own. On the subject of Sam Blaine, Jane's quite insistent--stay away ; he's your Mr. Wickham! Still, everyone has something to learn about love--perhaps even Jane herself.

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

3 of 5 stars

I'm not terribly familiar with most romance novels, but I found this one to be quite interesting. This is the third book in the Being Trilogy, but from what I can tell you don't have to read the others to understand what all is going on. I had no trouble picking this up and reading it without having previously read the other two. Though I'm sure the others have more back story for this and I'm thinking about going and picking them up so I can see.

I thought that concept of the pairings of the couples to be really interesting, and liked the fact that they would compliment each other in someway involving their powers. Ava, the main character, is a strong and intelligent woman who I didn't find a lot of points there considering most women in romance novels have a tendency to be complete push overs. I also liked Edan a fair amount because he wasn't a macho man who had to be touch about everything.And their relationship was really nice and fulfilling. One thing I noticed were some parallels or derivatives from other places like the Christian creation story.

The storyline outside of the romance was pretty interesting as well, though I wish I had read the other two first so I can see how it got to that point and so on. But I understood it pretty well without that. Plus the writing was really enjoyable to read.

I do recommend this to those who really enjoy romance with a sci-fi take, mainly adults.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 July, 2009: Finished reading
  • 14 July, 2009: Reviewed