Reviewed by bumblingbookworm on
My first 5 star read of the year and a reread at that! I first read this in September 2019, and I've been wanting to reread it ever since. I know this book isn't perfect but I love everything about it and it was such a joyous read. The characters were absolutely delightful, I just want to be their friend - and I really want a demon who turns into a cat in my life! Basically, Silas must be protected at all costs. Also, Elizabeth is so awkward but it's so endearing, and Nathaniel is a precious bisexual bean. Please give me more of them!
One of my favourite aspects to this book was how the libraries and the grimoires had their own personalities, it was like they were another character in the book. I've also read An Enchantment of Ravens, the author's debut, and I can see the author's growth in this book - the added length was also wonderful, as it allowed her to fully flesh out the fantasy world. This was one of my favourite books of 2019, and it just makes me want to squee with joy. I know this is a standalone, but I need more of this world and these characters in my life. I also definitely need to get my own copy, as I can see many more rereads in my future!
Reading updates
- Started reading
- 19 September, 2019: Finished reading
- 5 January, 2020: Reviewed
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- 5 January, 2020: Finished reading
- 5 January, 2020: Reviewed
- Started reading
- 7 September, 2020: Finished reading
- 5 January, 2020: Reviewed