Skin Game by Jim Butcher

Skin Game (Dresden Files, #15)

by Jim Butcher

Chicago wizard Harry Dresden must help a hated enemy, Nicodemus Archleone, break into a high security vault to steal something belonging to the Lord of the Underworld.

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

3 of 5 stars

Never let it be said I can’t enjoy a series by starting at the end, not the beginning. (Oops. My bad for grabbing what the library had on the shelf without looking it up. I just saw “heist” and had to start there.)
Anyway, the friend of mine who said I’d get a kick out of Dresden was right. I’ll have to work my way back through the books in no kind of order. And I’ll do at least one by audiobook to see which is more fun.

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  • 12 August, 2018: Reviewed