Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

4 of 5 stars

I absolutely love reading Emma Hart's books, they're usually low angst and a fun-loving read. And that's what is to be expected with The Upside to Being Single.

Jake has seen her good and it's a sight he'll never forget. With Mellie knowing that she is to meet her new boss the next day, she gets the surprise of her life when it's THE very man who has seen said boobs. Cue the humiliation and something that will never be let down. But it's a start of a beautiful "working" relationship between these two.

Despite Mellie and Jake being in their late 20s, the way they act to one another is a bit on the kid-ish side and quite playful. I loved the humorous banter between them. Despite their working relationship, they TRY (but not really) to keep it at that. It's tough for them to fight the attraction towards each other, kind of hard to do, when your boss has seen your boobs (all because of a dare from her best friends). Ah the joys of living in New Orleans, home of the good ole Mardi Gras.

With their hilarious banter can I just mention a little scene that involves cooking ... in the kitchen. That first scene seriously made me love this book the most. Trust me, you'll know exactly what I mean when you read it. Complete steam factor just rolling off of Jake and who wouldn't want to be in that position. Jake has ZERO problem seducing Mellie. Jake takes on the role of being a boss very seriously and he has no problem bossing around the spitfire that is Mellie. AND who can't love a man who brings donuts?! I find Mellie's obsession with donuts, amazing! I myself love donuts, but I'm kind of upset with the fact that she doesn't like sprinkles! That's the only kind of donut one should love ... but that's just me.

If you're looking for a zero-angst, humorous and fun-loving read, get your hands on The Upside to Being Single. It'll have you laughing and wanting more. I absolutely can't wait to read the next one.


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  • 30 January, 2018: Reviewed