Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

*I received a free ARC of Anarchy Found from the author in exchange of an honest and unbiased review*

Anarchy Found is a deliciously crazy, fast-paced and action-packed ride! Secrets, extreme long-cons and a tiny dip of romance plus characters that are so damaged it's a wonder they function at all!

I loved every second of this read, every letter, ever word, every sentence, every paragraph, every page... you get my drift? Get this when it's released next week - it's amazing!

My Anarchy Found review:
It's hard to say what genre Anarchy Found is, because there is so much going on! It could be a bit like science fiction. There is definitely a lot of mystery, and also it is for adults, somehow contemporary but possibly set in a not too distant future. Thrilling, suspense, erotic... yeah, it's a very nice genre mash-up is what it is! And the characters blew my mind - both Molly and Lincoln were amazing, and I got a good feel for some of the other characters as well. Huss has gone and done it again - she's taken me on a wild ride with so many things I didn't see coming my head was spinning by the end.

Written in first person present tense, with some chapter's from Molly's point of view and others from Lincoln's point of view, Anarchy Found managed to keep me on my toes all the way through! Every time I thought I had figured something out, something else happened to show me I was totally off mark. And that's just one of the things I loved about it. The story is quite dark, and there's still a lot the characters (and I) need to figure out, so I can't wait to get my hands on the future books in the series.

To be sure I'm not spoiling a single thing for anyone, let me just say that this is one of my favorite 2015 reads! Well written, well executed and also very bad-ass. Anarchy Found pushed all the right buttons for me, from the character development to the story-arc to the plot and of course, the super alphas. There is also some beautiful artwork that even looks great on my kindle! Black-and-white drawings with quotes - and that made me almost as mesmerized as the story itself did.

Some of my favorite Anarchy Found quotes:
The wannabe writer in me thinks like this. All poetic. Stringing words together just because they sound like music when you say them out loud.

He whips his helmet off, throws it on the ground, and gets to his feet. "Motherfucker," he says, eyes blazing with anger. His dark hair is cropped short and he has a two-day beard that casts the perfect shadow across his hard-edged jawline.

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews

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  • Started reading
  • 25 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 25 November, 2015: Reviewed