Anxious 9 to 5 by Kase

Anxious 9 to 5

by Kase

Anxiety in the workplace is a serious and epidemic problem and one that takes on many forms. We often praise someone as a perfectionist when he or she is a careful and detail-oriented worker, but in fact perfectionistic inclinations in our very fallible world often lead to paralysing anxiety on the job. Combine fear of failure and a tendency to procrastinate with perfectionism and you have a recipe for a nerve-wracking and joyless workday. But, anxiety on the job can be overcome with the right advice. In this book, a psychologist who is also a seasoned businesswoman offers tips for transforming workplace anxiety in productivity-promoting peace of mind. Readers begin by learning how anxiety develops in the workplace. Then they find out what they can do about it: with a series of exercises, self-evaluations and worksheets, readers can learn to use basic cognitive behavioural techniques to decrease feelings of anxiety and build confidence, focus and career success.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Probably would have been more useful if I had done the exercises but it was a good reminder that I'm not a fake, that I can do this and that panicking and postponing nasty tasks never gets it done.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 August, 2016: Finished reading
  • 1 August, 2016: Reviewed