The Luck of the Bride by Janna MacGregor

The Luck of the Bride (The Cavensham Heiresses, #3)

by Janna MacGregor

March Lawson is an orphan who, for the past eight years, has struggled to raise her siblings on a meager allowance. Most women March’s age would be picking out ball gowns for the upcoming season. But March’s focus is not on finding a husband. First, she must devote her energies to just one man: the cold hearted skinflint who refuses to release her inheritance.

Michael Cavensham, the Marquess of McCalpin, is not a heartless man. When he learns that Miss Lawson has been forging his name to procure funds, he can’t bring himself to have her arrested - not when the bold-faced embezzler is so enchantingly beautiful. Instead, McCalpin agrees to visit her home to assess the situation more closely. March has no choice but to accept. But how can she manage the handsome trustee who controls her purse strings - when he tugs at her heart strings as well?

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

I love when you have a heroine who is willing to give everything she has to her younger siblings. That was exactly what we got with this one. March has been scrapping by to raise her younger sister and brother. She went to great lengths to ensure their survival, even fighting a Marquess for what was rightfully her family's.

Michael and March's friendship was refreshing and I loved the angst and drama as they figured out how to make their relationship work.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 March, 2018: Finished reading
  • 11 March, 2018: Reviewed