Bigfootloose and Finn Fancy Free by Randy Henderson

Bigfootloose and Finn Fancy Free (Finn Fancy, #2)

by Randy Henderson

In this sequel to Randy Henderson's acclaimed debut novel, Finn Fancy Necromancy, Finn Gramaraye is settling back into the real world after his twenty-five-year-long imprisonment in the otherworld of the Fey. He's fallen in love again with Dawn, the girl next door who waited for him. He's proved his innocence of the original crime of Dark Necromancy, and he's finding a place in the family business operating a mortuary for the Arcane, managing the magical energies left behind when an Arcane being dies to prevent it from harming the mundane world. But Finn wants more. Or different. Or something. He's figured out how to use the Kinfinder device created by his half-mad father to find people's True Love, and he'd like to convert that into an Arcane Dating Service. It's a great idea. Everyone wants True Love! Unfortunately, trouble always seems to find Finn, and when he agrees to help his friend, the Bigfoot named Sal, they walk right into a Feyblood rebellion against the Arcane Ruling Council, a rebellion being fomented by unknown forces and fueled by the drug created by Finn's own grandfather.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

I've got reviewers block.  I just finished this book, and had a lot of fun with it, but can't come up with a thing to say about it.  I loved that Sasquatch were major characters and I liked the vernacular the author gave them; somehow, it worked really well and I wasn't stuck with Harry and the Henderson's in my head while I read this.  I like Dawn, Finn's romantic interest, but the whole romance thing got on my nerves.  There's supportive and then there's after-school-special.  I liked that this book wasn't dependent on what it obviously going to be a series-arc-evil-nemesis; this was a self-contained plot (although the book does give massive spoilers for book 1).     Mostly, it's well-written and entertaining.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 April, 2018: Finished reading
  • 10 April, 2018: Reviewed