Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Maybe I am creepy, or maybe I should blame Darynda Jones but I have a thing for Reapers. Grave Destinations is the second book in the Grave Series by Lori Sjoberg. Her twist on why these souls are reapers, combined with suspense and romance have made this a fun series. Each can be read as a standalone, but each time we learn a little more about Fate, and the organization running this elite team of Reapers. Mini review: spicy but clean, suspenseful and action packed.

Reaper, Ruby Dawson, hates water, but she has a soul to collect and finds herself booked on a luxury Caribbean cruise. The cruise is a painful reminder of why she became a reaper in the first place. What should be a routine soul collections turns into anything but when she meets Jack Deverell. Not only is he smexy, but he asks a lot of questions. When unscheduled deaths start happening aboard ship, Ruby is faced with trusting her gut or believing Jack is the prime suspect. The tale that unfolds is suspenseful and romantic. Will fate keep them together or tear them apart?

Each of the reapers has a complicated soul. To atone for their actions in life they serve Fate by collecting souls who die of unnatural deaths. Ruby is no exception, and I found her back story fascinating. She builds walls around herself, never allowing anyone to get to close. Jack turns her emotions upside down and I loved the growth we see in her. Jack Deverell doesn’t quite depict the image that the cover gives us; in fact he is a whole lot sexier. From his old world charm, to his sexy eyes and broad shoulders. He also isn’t quite human thanks to a curse. It was interesting learning his story and seeing how he handles his affliction. The chemistry between them worked, and I got caught up in their story. Demons and Dmitri; Ruby’s boss and fellow reaper, make appearances, adding both suspense and humor.

Grave Destinations had me craving the all you can eat buffet at the Windjammer and longing to go on a cruise again. Sjoberg mixed in suspense and paranormal elements as we worked to solve the mysterious deaths. The characters had unique voices, and Sjoberg allowed me to connect with them. The banter between Dmitri and Jack had me giggling as these two alphas went head to head a few times. Ruby is a strong character, and I loved the set-down she gave them. The plot and pacing was well done keeping me engaged. Towards the end, there is a scene that felt was too much of a coincidence, but it didn’t hinder my overall enjoyment. The story itself wrapped up nicely, leaving me eager for the next reapers’ story. I really want Dmitri’s story. The author hints about his complicated past, and he is such a flawed and sexy alpha.

Copy received in exchange for unbiased review​. ​Review​ originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewe​r​

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