Irresistible Forces by

Irresistible Forces

New York Times bestselling authors Mary Jo Putney, Jo Beverley, and Lois McMaster Bujold join forces with award-winning authors Catherine Asaro, Jennifer Roberson, and Deb Stover in this all-new anthology of original stories proving that love can conquer all...even the boundaries of time and space. From sixteenth-century Britain to the farthest reaches of outer space, from medieval adventures to tales of inter-galactic love, here is a compilation that explores the wonderfully kinetic forces that lovers share—forces too great to resist...

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

The first story in this series overshadowed all the rest for me but then again I'm a Lois McMaster Bujold fan and any extra story in Miles' world is a good thing. This is a story of Taura who attends Miles' wedding and Roic who learns that appearance isn't everything.

The Alchemical Marriage by Mary Jo Putney is an interesting story of two magicians who have to work together to save England from the Spanish Armada. Pretty predictable but not a bad story and I really did care for the characters.

Catherine Asaro's Stained Glass Heart is set in her Skolian Empire world and is a story of one of the sons of Kurj and Roca and his choice between the Empire and love.

Skin Deep by Deb Stover is a fun story of the afterlife and an angel who gets something he didn't expect when he goes to help his ex-girlfriend find love.

The Trouble with Heroes by Jo Beverly is a story that just didn't resonate with me. It's a story of human contact with a people they really don't understand and how that mis-understanding causes serious trouble.

Shadows in the Wood by Jennifer Roberson is a very interesting Robin Hood story. Concentrating more on Marian than Robin and including Merlin it sounds at first like it could be overdone but it's well handled.

Overall it's not a bad set of stories but really didn't gel as a set of stories like many other sets of stories like this. A book to dip into between other books.

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  • 18 September, 2007: Finished reading
  • 18 September, 2007: Reviewed