Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops by Jen Campbell

Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops

by Jen Campbell

'Can books conduct electricity?'

'My children are just climbing your bookshelves: that's ok... isn't it?'

A John Cleese Twitter question ['What is your pet peeve?'], first sparked the "Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops" blog, which grew over three years into one bookseller's collection of ridiculous conversations on the shop floor. From 'Did Beatrix Potter ever write a book about dinosaurs?' to the hunt for a paperback which could forecast the next year's weather; and from 'I've forgotten my glasses, please read me the first chapter' to 'Excuse me... is this book edible?'

This full-length collection illustrated by the Brothers McLeod also includes top 'Weird Things' from bookshops around the world.

Reviewed by Michael @ Knowledge Lost on

4 of 5 stars

I have to say this was such a joy to read; as a book lover I really appreciated all the weird things customers say in bookstores. I would love to be a bookseller for many reasons but to experience this kind of silliness would really make my day. Well worth a read. You will get some great laughs from these customers with ones like;

“Do you have this children’s book I’ve heard about? It’s supposed to be very good. It’s called Lionel Richie and the Wardrobe.”

“Do you stock Nigella Lawson under ‘Sex’ or ‘Cookery’?”

“Is this book edible?”

“Did Anne Frank ever write a sequel - I really enjoyed her first book?”

Plus many, many more.

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  • 17 May, 2012: Finished reading
  • 17 May, 2012: Reviewed