Bright Blue Miracle by Becca Wilhite

Bright Blue Miracle

by Becca Wilhite

Seventeen-year-old Leigh feels jealous when her best friend Jeremy starts to date Leigh's new stepsister.

Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

It has been a long time since I stayed up to read a book past 1:00 a.m. Bright Blue Miracle had to be read. It has an inviting cover that pulls you in and a story that touches your heart.

The main character, Leigh, is a teenager with a best friend,(who happens to be a boy), a Mom who is remarrying and a new, beautiful step-sister. Leigh learns a lot about trust, learning to love and sharing your heart and feelings. Even though the main characters are teenagers, it did not feel like a typical teenage book. This book had a more grow-up feel, but will still appeal to young people and adults.

The author, Becca Wilhite, has a free, easy style of writing that makes words just seem to flow. The dialogue was witty and kept the storyline moving. Becca also gave the main character a fun, quirky personality. At first you think Leigh is a spoiled girl, but then you grow to love her and are cheering for her at the end.

I really look forward to what else Becca will write; she's made me a fan. Bright Blue Miracle left me feeling good when I finished reading. It was worth losing some sleep and in exchange,lifting my spirits in return.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 6 May, 2009: Finished reading
  • 6 May, 2009: Reviewed