The 27 Club by Kim Karr

The 27 Club

by Kim Karr

From the New York Times Bestselling Author of the Connections series comes an exciting and passionate new romance….

Janis Joplin. Kurt Cobain. Amy Winehouse. Zachary Flowers.
I always knew my brilliant brother would one day be listed among the great artistic minds of our time. I just didn’t know he would join the list of exceptional talents who left us too young, too soon.
I was always the calm one, the perfect foil to his freewheeling wild spirit. But since his death shortly after his 27th birthday, I’d found myself adrift and directionless.
I knew it was time to face my destiny, and I was ready to yield. But then I met Nate, Zachary’s best friend. Only he could help me put the pieces together, fill in the blanks that Zachary left behind. I needed him to answer my questions—and I wanted him for more. He awakened in me a sensuality that had never been explored, never satisfied. Nate’s presence controlled me, his touch seared me, and it was up to me to convince him that he was brought into my life for a reason….


Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

THE 27 CLUB was a book that surprised me a couple of times. From the blurb, I assumed the 27 club was a BDSM club. Then I started the book and realized that wasn't what it was at all. Then, after letting go of the BDSM thing, it showed up again and threw me, because that was not at all what I saw happening. Normally that would bother me, but I've learned that when reading a Kim Karr book, I need to let things happen and not get distracted with whatever preconceived notions I may have had going in.

Zoey Flowers heads to South Florida thinking her life is being dictated by a family "curse", just like her older brother Zach's was. When she gets to Florida, she meets Zach's best friend Nate. They both fight against their own beliefs in destiny and fate as they fight with their attraction to one another. It's not pretty, as they end up hurting each other at various times throughout the story. But as much as they hurt each other, they hurt themselves too as they either fight against fate or run towards it.

Kim Karr takes us on an emotional journey with this story. Zoey and Nate have a mountain of emotional baggage to sift through to finally get to a place where they can move forward. It's not an easy journey, but when they come out on the other side, it makes for a satisfying ending.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 March, 2015: Reviewed