Murder Most Unladylike by Robin Stevens

Murder Most Unladylike (Murder Most Unladylike Mystery, #1)

by Robin Stevens

*A signed anniversary edition of the first award-winning mystery, with an exclusive, brand-new chapter!*

Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong have started their own detective agency at Deepdean School for Girls, but they're struggling to find any real mysteries to solve (Lavinia's missing tie doesn't count).

All that is about to change when Hazel discovers the Science Mistress lying dead in the Gym. And the mystery only deepens when the body disappears before the girls can alert anyone.

Can the detective duo not only solve the murder, but prove that there was a murder in the first place - before the...

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Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

The story of two girls in a boarding school in the 1930s. When one of them discovers a body in the gym, they decide to use their wits to detect the truth. The body disappearing complicates their case.

The two, Daisy Wells, who is clever but tries to hide it, and Hazel Wong, sent from Hong Kong to England to study, providing the perfect outsider to comment on boarding school in England. The story didn't really work for me as well as it might.

Could do better. Not bad but could do better.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 29 September, 2014: Reviewed