The Quiet You Carry by Nikki Barthelmess

The Quiet You Carry

by Nikki Barthelmess

Victoria Parker knew her dad's behavior toward her was a little unusual, but she convinced herself everything was fine--until she found herself locked out of the house at 3:00 a.m., surrounded by flashing police lights. Now, dumped into a crowded, chaotic foster home, Victoria has to tiptoe around her domineering foster mother, get through senior year at a new school, and somehow salvage her college dreams . . . all while keeping her past hidden. But some secrets won't stay buried--especially when unwanted memories make Victoria freeze up at random moments and nightmares disrupt her sleep. Even worse, she can't stop worrying about her stepsister Sarah, left behind with her father. All she wants is to move forward, but how do you focus on the future when the past won't leave you alone?

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Victoria just had to make it through her final year of high school, and then, she would be able to enjoy the freedom, that comes with attending college, but instead, she found herself thrust into the foster care system following an altercation with her father, which had left her watching her future slip out of reach.

I had no idea this was an own voices book, when I requested it, though, I am not surprised. There was quite a bit of insight shared and, shared in a way, I have yet to see in other books involving foster children. Barthelmess brought me into the process, rules, and frustrations surrounding foster care. She showed the upside and downside, and it always came across as honest and fair to me.

This book had a HUGE emotional impact on me. I so clearly felt Victoria's fear, shame, distress, and hopelessness surrounding her situation. I also got a good sense of her strength, determination, and hope, which she tried not to let ebb, as she attempted to rebuild her life and continue to pursue her dreams.

I won't lie and say this book was light, because it was not. The book dealt with many heavy issues, but it wasn't all grim. Seeing Victoria continue to fight for her future was probably one of the things I loved most, and it kept me very hopeful. Barthelmess also gave Victoria a small group of great and supportive friends, an extremely sweet romantic interest, and some really supportive educators to help her along the way.

But, what I loved most was the ending. This was the payoff for the pain and tears shed. There was lots of closure and hope for the future, but the author also let some characters redeem themselves. I don't know, it was important for me to know, that not everyone was the villain they appeared to be.

Overall: A story that was equal parts beautiful and heartbreaking, but also hopeful and a tribute to how much power honesty, kindness, and friendship hold.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • Started reading
  • 15 February, 2019: Finished reading
  • 15 February, 2019: Reviewed