The Shadow of Death by Christopher Pike

The Shadow of Death (Thirst, #4)

by Christopher Pike

5,000 year old vampire Alisa Perne has always outsmarted all her adversaries. But now that she's trapped in a new body, she's far from her best. With the immortal race, the Telar, threatening to release a virus to decimate humanity, time is fast running out. Alisa will have to turn to humans to help destroy the enemy.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

3 of 5 stars

This one was seriously confusing I kept getting lost on where I was at, and it didn't hold my attention like the others did. I hope Mr. Pike redeems himself with at least one more book. Because it seemed like there's going to be with the whole internet game thing and what not. But we shall see and I am curious as to what goes on with Sita and Matt, if their destinies are meant to be together or separated. Since he is Yaksha's son, and Yaksha loved Sita so much, that maybe his son and Sita will be soulmates. Hmmmm I guess we shall see if there is indeed another book.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 1 August, 2012: Reviewed