Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

I have not read the previous books but decided to jump in any way. I like that while previous cases were mentioned the author was careful not to spoil the outcome. I am hoping to go back and read the first two.

Maddie Kosloski, own the local paranormal museum and its the Christmas season, which means the local dairy association is proudly displaying a thirty-foot straw bovine known as the San Benedetto's Christmas Cow. Hoping to increase sales, Maddie secures a set of haunted cowbell, gifted by the town's sister city and reported to be cursed to bring in customers. Since the late nineties, one way or another the straw cow has burned. The association has set up surveillance cameras, and guards but it doesn't prevent the bovine from going up in flames. Only this year one of the guards is shot with an arrow. Was it a prank gone awry or murder?

Maddie's mom is determined to find out, and despite protest that her investigative days are over Maddie is soon knee-deep in the case. Politics, suspects, enemies and a rather charming detective made for an interesting murder-mystery. Weiss weaved in problems at the paranormal museum surrounding haunted bells. Interesting side stories added depth and problems for Maddie. Even, Maddie's ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend is a possible suspect, and the closer Maddie and her mother get to solving the case the more dangerous it becomes.

I enjoyed Maddie and loved the paranormal museum, although I was disappointed we didn't get more paranormal aspects. Maddie isn't a believer but the museum cat reportedly is, as are the townspeople and things get a little crazy. I wish there were pictures of the fairies and creepy dolls. I will admit, I was hoping for ghosts. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • 31 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 31 January, 2018: Reviewed