Reviewed by writehollydavis on

5 of 5 stars

It's been a hot minute since I've read a book this quickly. 4 days. And it would've been shorter if I could've stayed up all night and didn't need to go to work. ha ha. The Savior's Champion is the CHAMPION of books. Jenna is the Cyborg Queen of writing realistic characters, believable dialogue, romance, humor, action, and surprises. Jenna's humor comes out perfectly on the page, and I can't tell you how many times I laughed out loud.

As far as the romance, it was...perfect. It really was. Tobias's relationship with his forbidden love was believable, swoon-worthy, gut-wrenching, and page-turning. I've got my eyes on you, Tobias. ;)

The world of TSC was so easy to get into, and I found myself loving the setting she created. I would've liked some more description at times, while other times I felt the settings were perfectly described.

Although Jenna did a wonderful job of describing all of her characters, there were a lot of them, particularly the competitors and later on in the book, the maidens, so I found myself not having a good picture in my head of what everyone looked like because I couldn't keep everyone straight! Thankfully, I referenced back to Jenna's instagram page, where she's posted TSC character art, which helped give me a better visual when I needed it. Also, a big thumbs up to Jenna for the wonderful diversity in this book.

I was a bit bothered by some minor repetition throughout the novel that I couldn't help but notice, such as 'ambled' and 'feigned'. But other than that, the vocabulary in this book in amazing!! Jenna has an extensive and fresh vocabulary while not being overbearing, and I found myself excitedly looking up the definitions of some words to understand their meaning (unequivocally, I'm looking at you), and also so that I can use them in my writing in the future! Jenna is definitely a cut above normal authors. Her writing is seasoned and mature.

I thoroughly enjoyed the fact that all of the challenges were unique and varied. They weren't all fight to the death scenes amongst competitors, which kept my interest. It might have been because I read the book so quickly, but I found the challenges a bit tedious near the 3/4 mark, despite the fact that Jenna dispersed them well throughout the novel and made them all different and fresh.

Overall, my rating is 4.75/5 stars. If you're looking for a book with action, romance, humor, and heart, look no further than The Savior's Champion. You won't be disappointed!

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  • Started reading
  • 23 February, 2018: Finished reading
  • 23 February, 2018: Reviewed