Theft of Swords by Michael J Sullivan

Theft of Swords (Riyria Revelations, #1)

by Michael J. Sullivan

Royce Melborn, a skilled thief, and his mercenary partner, Hadrian Blackwater, make a profitable living carrying out dangerous assignments for conspiring nobles-until they are hired to pilfer a famed sword. What appears to be just a simple job finds them framed for the murder of the king and trapped in a conspiracy that uncovers a plot far greater than the mere overthrow of a tiny kingdom.

Can a self-serving thief and an idealistic swordsman survive long enough to unravel the first part of an ancient mystery that has toppled kings and destroyed empires?

And so begins the first tale...

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Reviewed by empressbrooke on

4 of 5 stars

I don't typically re-read many books these days - there are just far too many that I want to read to spend much time reading ones I've already crossed off my 'to read' list. However, having just contributed to Michael J. Sullivan's newest Kickstarter campaign for the next Hadrian and Royce book, I figured I ought to make it through the rest of the series that I already own before getting a copy of the new one.

Theft of Swords is an omnibus that contains both [b:The Crown Conspiracy|4345290|The Crown Conspiracy (The Riyria Revelations, #1)|Michael J. Sullivan||21574260] and [b:Avempartha|6342483|Avempartha (The Riyria Revelations, #2)|Michael J. Sullivan||5104916], which are the only two I'd read already. They were just as much fun the second time around as they were the first time - almost even more fun this time because I was filling in all the little details I'd forgotten. I'm definitely glad that I did re-read, because I'd forgotten a ton of things that will clearly have major importance down the line. I couldn't wait to finish this so I could move onto the part of the series I hadn't yet read.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 June, 2015: Reviewed