Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

Caffeinated Aspects:

  • Gruff hero who is a shifter beast. He is a trained operative who doesn't know he is suffering from memory loss and is working covert ops..

  • Charlotte a police detective with the NYPD. She and Kellan's best friend have been looking for him since he vanished without a trace months ago.

  •  The plot has some addictive elements, and I was eager for answers. Secrets, amnesia, suspense, quest involving beast DNA, There was a  secret commander and missions. Something wasn't quiet right with the missions and it was fun trying to puzzle things out.

  • Hot, steamy sex! I loved the struggle Kellum and the beast have when it comes to Charlotte. He might not remember, but his beasts knows her. It was interesting to see him struggle with a weird sense of déjà vu and his beasts reactions.

  • At just under two hundred pages I devoured this in one sitting.

Decaffeinated Aspects:

  • It leaves us with a serious cliffhanger. In fact, it was like someone handed me half of a book and held the second half ransom.

  • Kellum still doesn't have his memory back and we don't know who he is working for. Fine, I can deal with a continued ARC but there was no HEA. WTH? While, it was an addictive storyline I struggle to call this a paranormal romance. Because a romance book is defined by offering an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending.

This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 3 January, 2019: Finished reading
  • 3 January, 2019: Reviewed