Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I love romantic thrillers. I always like to figure out the whodunits. Although I’m usually wrong, it’s exciting to try and solve the mystery. This book had me hooked from the beginning. The story was face-paced and the author did an excellent job connecting all the loose ends and interweaving them into a web of deception, intrigue, and betrayal.

What I wasn’t too sold on was the chemistry between Logan and Keely. When they first interacted in the book, I could tell there was animosity. The two had not seen or had contact with each other in 10 years because Logan left to join the Marines without a word to Keely. Logan believed he was doing what was best for Keely, but ended up hurting them both in the end. After such a long estrangement, I didn’t feel the rekindling of emotion.

What I really enjoyed was watching Keely at work and how she struggled with the emotional strains of her job as a social worker. She cared so much and her dedication to making sure all children were safe was admirable. The development of each character was well thought out and the plot kicked ass.

This is an exciting read with lots of action, danger, and a storyline that will keep you captivated.

Reviewed by Elizabeth for Cocktails and Books

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  • 11 August, 2013: Reviewed