#1 Akhenaten Adventure by P. B. Kerr

#1 Akhenaten Adventure (Children of the Lamp, #1)

by P. B. Kerr

Three wishes. Two children. One incredible journey...Twins Jonathan and Philippa Gaunt live in New York. The early arrival of their wisdom teeth aged 12 coincides with an ominous earthquake in Egypt, and heralds strange dreams and a trip to London. There they meet eccentric uncle Nimrod. He tells them the truth about their background - they are born of a Djinn mother and as a result they themselves have Djinn powers. Nimrod himself turns out to be an important figure in the Djinn world and soon the children find themselves in the midst of a titanic battle of good and evil set across three continents.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Could have been a good read if the casual racism as character sketch method wasn't applied.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 23 May, 2013: Reviewed