Dogs and Goddesses by Jennifer Crusie, Anne Stuart, Lani Diane Rich

Dogs and Goddesses

by Jennifer Crusie, Anne Stuart, and Lani Diane Rich

When three women meet at a 'Kammani-Gula Dog Obedience' class, little do they know what they are walking into...

Abby has just arrived in Summerville, Ohio, with her placid Newfoundland, Bowser, and is soon brewing up trouble in the form of magical baked goods in her grandmother's coffee shop, while Daisy (with her hyperactive Jack Russell, Bailey) discovers the chaos within when she meets a mysterious dog trainer. Finally Shar, professor of ancient history at Summerville College, wakes up one morning to find her neurotic dachshund, Wolfie, snarling at an implacable god sitting at her kitchen table. What on...

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Reviewed by ibeforem on

3 of 5 stars

This was fun, but don’t start looking at it too closely. One of the things the authors did do right was manage a consistent voice, which couldn’t have been easy with three of them writing it. The different women do have their own sub-voice, but overall the tone was very consistent. Also, the dog sidekicks were rather entertaining, and it wasn’t particularly difficult to tell the difference between them.

The part that doesn’t really hold together is the mythology, from the overall goal of the ancient goddess to the fact that an ancient temple had been moved to this small town piece by piece and was now being used as a home. There were seven goddesses total, but it seemed that everyone but Abby, Daisy, and Shar didn’t really matter.

But, when push comes to shove, we don’t really read a book like this for an air-tight plot. We read them because we want something fun and sexy, and that’s exactly what we get.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 April, 2012: Finished reading
  • 8 April, 2012: Reviewed