The New Street Photographers Manifesto by Tanya Nagar

The New Street Photographers Manifesto

by Tanya Nagar

Whether you shoot with a digital SLR, a Holga or the camera on your phone, today's cameras let you seize the moment and shoot whenever and wherever you like. This makes them perfect for street photography, the genre of choice of some of the greatest photographers of all time, with names like Henri Cartier-Bresson, Weegee and Robert Frank turning gritty reality into iconic images.
In this book, Tanya Nagar will open your eyes to the photographic potential of your urban world environment, offering the tricks and techniques that put you in the right place, at the right time, and let...

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Reviewed by Joséphine on

5 of 5 stars

August 8, 2015

Full review is up on Word Revel.

August 1, 2015

Initial thoughts: The one photography genre I've always wanted to try but still haven's dared to throw myself into is street photography — mostly because I'm unsure of the laws pertaining to photographing strangers and because of the intimidation factor. People don't like being stared out; what more photographed without prior permission? I mean, when the faces aren't clear and I choose to publish those photos, that's fine. But what if the subject is very much in focus?

A lot of these concerns were very well addressed in The New Street Photographer's Manifesto , as well as pros and cons of various camera-choices. That's the other thing I've been worried about. My primary camera is a DSLR which stands out in the streets. At the same time, I'm in no position to also invest in a micro four-thirds camera which is more discreet. Seeing examples of street photographers who managed to capture candid moments despite using their DSLRs is an encouragement to me to go out and try street photography with the equipment that I already own.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 1 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 August, 2015: Reviewed