Deep Dark Fears by Fran Krause

Deep Dark Fears

by Fran Krause

A devilishly funny collection of comics that explores our most gruesome, hilarious, and bizarre fears—and the dangers lurking around every corner.

We all have strange, irrational fears—from seeing ghosts in the bedroom mirror to being sucked into a mall escalator or finding yourself miles below the ocean's surface on the deck of a sunken ship. In Deep Dark Fears, animator, illustrator, and cartoonist Fran Krause brings these fears to life in 101 vividly illustrated comics inspired by his wildly popular web comic and based on real fears submitted by online readers. Deep Dark Fears reveals a primal part of our humanity and highlighting both our idiosyncrasies and our similarities.

Reviewed by angelarenea9 on

3 of 5 stars

This review is posted on Reading with AngelaRenea

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley from Ten Speed Press, so thank you very much to everyone involved!

This was quite a lovely book about all the, you guessed it, deep dark fears that people have. I can'd decide if the book was terrifying because there were things I never thought to be afraid of, or comforting knowing that I am not the only crazy person out there with this fear.

The illustrations were wonderful and the layout was great! I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed the Gashlycrumb Tinies because it has that same lovely dark humor to it!

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  • Started reading
  • 16 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 16 August, 2015: Reviewed