Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

Jazz is a bad ass! Unbelievable book. Full review to come.

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This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I have to say, I freaking loved this story. Each time I pick up a Scott Hildreth book, I fall in love with the characters that he creates. And let me just say...Jaz is one bad ass you can't help but get behind.

I wasn't sure if I was going to like a story centered around a female boxer. But Jaz was a girl who took the only outlet to save her from an abusive father and turned it into a career that brought her the ultimate family.

Jaz meets boxing trainer Ripp and Ethan by coincidence. But that coffee shop run in changes the course of her life. She find, in Tripp, a man who believes in her and is determined to help her reach her dream. With Ripp, she finds a family with him, his best friend Dekk and their trainer, Kelsey. But it's fellow boxer, Ethan, that grounds Jaz. Shows her how a man loves a woman and becomes the heart of the boxer. With these strong men, they help build up te broken woman that Jaz was into a truly confident woman who can do whatever she wants.

I loved the dynamics between the characters. Jaz wasn't a delicate woman, but somehow these men could equally prove how much of a woman she is at the same time that she truly is a bad ass. As remarkable as Jaz is, she became so much more because of this group of men that surrounded her.

Scott Hildreth is a master storyteller. I highly recommend all his books. Their highly addictive and I often find it very hard to put them down until I get to "The End".

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  • 5 June, 2016: Reviewed
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  • 5 June, 2016: Reviewed