The Lovely and the Lost by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Lovely and the Lost

by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

After years of living in the wild, a teenage girl leads her adoptive family's search-and-rescue operation -- but to find a missing child, she must uncover long-buried secrets from her past.

Kira Bennett's earliest memories are of living alone and wild in the woods. She has no idea how long she was on her own or what she had to do to survive, but she remembers the moment that Cady Bennett and one of her search-and-rescue dogs found her. Adopted into the Bennett family, Kira still struggles with human interaction years later, but she excels at the family business: search...

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Reviewed by liz089 on

5 of 5 stars

I can't help but to love every book she writes. There is just something smart about her writing that I really enjoy and can't find in most other books. As always she keeps me guessing, the entirety of the plot stays a mystery, and the real bad guy stays hidden until the end. I love her unpredictive plottwists and that ending... oohhh. Kind of mean (again).
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  • Started reading
  • 22 May, 2019: Finished reading
  • 22 May, 2019: Reviewed