Reviewed by Eve1972 on

5 of 5 stars


This book was UTTER PERFECTION There really isn't much I can say about it other than that. I pretty much spend the whole time reading it HUNGRY, LAUGHING MY ASS OFF, or BAWLING MY EYES OUT.

Alas, since this is supposed to be a review, I will attempt to convey how much I adored this book with a few words. One, there are a PLETHORA of awesome sounding recipes in this thing. I pretty much spent a goodly amount of time highlighting all the ones I will be trying in the very near future. Secondly, what took this book to a WHOLE other level in awesomeness was all the little glimpses we get at some of our favorite couples, and where they are at this point in time.

I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF at the whole scene with Charlie, Ian, and Remy, it was SO flipping HILARIOUS. Anything out of Ian's mouth is always PURE GOLD. Aside from the funny lighthearted moments, we also get to see some heartwarming and touching moments. Moments were these couples are struggling. Where life and issues have them drifting apart. We see them grabbing hold of that love we have come to know so well and reconnecting.

New babies. New directions in life. It was a fantastic and utter enjoyment to reconnect with these couples. After so many books in this series, these characters feel like family to me and I'm always up for more Masters & Mercenaries. So if you are a HUGE fan of the M&M and TOPPED series this is really a MUST ADD to your TO READ list.


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  • Started reading
  • 2 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 2 November, 2016: Reviewed