Simon and the Easter Miracle by Mary Joslin

Simon and the Easter Miracle

by Mary Joslin

The gospels tell of Simon of Cyrene - "a man coming in from the country" - who was ordered to carry Jesus' cross. Over the centuries, his story has been woven into Polish folklore: When Simon the farmer brings his wares to market, little does he expect how he will be involved in the events of that very special day, nor how his produce - of bread, eggs and wine - will become important symbols of Jesus' passion and resurrection, remembered throughout the ages. Together with sophisticated artwork, this picture book retelling of a traditional European tale is both thought-provoking and engaging, with the events and meaning of the first Easter at its heart.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

2 of 5 stars

The first thing that I have to say is that I felt like this book ended very abruptly. I wanted to hear more, either of Simon's thoughts or Jesus or anything. Knowing the story from the Jesus and disciples perspective I'm fine, but having this as an introduction to the Easter Miracle I think a child might be lost. It is neat however to think about the crucifixion from a passerby's perspective. Simon is just a man going through along on his day with the regular annoyances and joys. He didn't expect to help carry a cross and yet it changes him. Over all it is a special book and one that I would pull out again and again in the Lenten and Easter season.

*Thanks to Kregel for providing a copy for review.*


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  • Started reading
  • 27 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 27 March, 2012: Reviewed