The Steadfast Tin Soldier by

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

With her signature warmth and lyricism, Newbery winner Cynthia Rylant has crafted a new version of the classic Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale about a tin soldier who falls in love with a ballerina. As in the original story, the tin soldier’s love for the beautiful ballerina is thwarted by a goblin. The tin soldier is separated from the other toys and washed down a sewer, where he encounters a rat and gets swallowed by a fish, but somehow, against all odds, he manages to end up back home only to be cast into the nursery fire. Rylant adds her own twist to the end of the tale, however, for in this version, the tin soldier and the ballerina are melded to each other, rather than melted, in the heat of the fire, so they’ll never be parted again. Rylant’s expert storytelling paired with Corace’s stunning illustrations create a beautiful, unforgettable tale of everlasting love.Praise for The Steadfast Tin SoldierSTARRED REVIEW"Rylant preserves the story's character-building insistence on the soldier's decorum throughout his ordeal. At the same time, the sight of him in his dress uniform, bayonet at the ready, lodged upside down in a garden bed or lying patiently in the belly of the huge fish will make readers smile."—Publishers Weekly, starred review"Gracefully written... The book’s large format gives plenty of scope for Corace’s distinctive illustrations, precise ink drawings brightened with watercolor, gouache, and acrylic paints. Sometimes brilliantly colorful and sometimes more subdued, the scenes can be crowded with dozens of toys or other visual elements, but they show up well from a distance. The subtle depictions of the goblin and his shadow are particularly fine. A softened vision of the literary fairy tale."—Booklist"The distinctive illustrations capture both the story’s melodrama and playful appeal, such as when two boys salute the tin soldier as his newspaper boat speeds along the fast-moving gutter stream. This spirited retelling reinvigorates this classic tale."—School Library Journal"Rylant is an appealing storyteller, and though she lets the soldier stay “forevermore” with the little dancer, that romantic outcome may suit those who find the Dane’s bittersweet ending hard to bear."—HornBook"Corace uses a largely pastel-color palette to match the author’s words. Mixed media flesh out the story. Their work together provides a powerful presentation in this oversize picture book. This is an excellent choice to compare with other versions of the classic tale."—Library Media Connection

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

In the last year I read the story of The Steadfast Tin Soldier in a collection of Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales. I'll have to go check to be certain, but I think it was in a book selection from Sonlight P3/4. I was not that crazy about the story and thought it was pretty sad, but then it seems typical fairy tales from times gone are a bit more morose than the happily ever after we all crave now. Also recently I've been more aware of books by [a:Cynthia Rylant|5411|Cynthia Rylant|] as I keep finding her on my lists that I look at for suggestions for school. As a matter of fact, it was through Memoria Press' Jr. K that I first heard her name and I have found that I have enjoyed those suggestions so far so she is an author to consider. Now, in the same mindset of looking at those lists, I have added [b:The Brave Tin Soldier|13231005|The Brave Tin Soldier|Hans Christian Andersen||2146970] specifically the American Antiquarian Society version to my wishlist for Memoria Press' Third Grade Curriculum. While I have a few years to get to that (as we are finishing of Jr. K and starting Kindergarten in the fall!) when I saw that this year Abram Books for Young Readers was publishing a new picture book version of Hans Christian Andersen's The Steadfast Tin Soldier written by Cynthia Ryland I was excited. Then when I found a copy in the local bookstore, I couldn't help but snatch it up for a bargain!

This version retold by Cynthia Rylant is illustrated by [a:Jen Corace|1460321|Jen Corace|] and it is lovely, definitely very attractive to view. The light characters are visually very light and bright, while the darker characters are literally dark brown and green tones. Then there is the retelling. While overall the story does follow back along with the classic I know it has a pleasant ending that in it's own way is a happily ever after. In rating this one I'm actually pretty caught between four or five stars. While the general story doesn't impress me, this specific version does. I'm glad I snatched it up. While I'm still curious to see the AAS version, I do like this one from Cynthia Rylant.

[bc:The Brave Tin Soldier|13231005|The Brave Tin Soldier|Hans Christian Andersen||2146970]

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  • 1 May, 2013: Reviewed