Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

From the first moment I read her work, I became a fan of Melissa Foster’s novels. Her stories of family, love and friendship always leave a lasting impression. Once again, she delivers a gripping and emotional tale about love, family and friendship.

I first met Violet in Bayside Desires and since then I wanted to learn more about her. Secretive and complex in nature, I could not wait to peel away her layers and learnt what made her tick.

Violet has no filter. She says what she feels and makes no apologies. However, behind the feisty exterior lay a heart which had the capacity to love beyond measure. The thing is, few people has seen this side of her. Prickly in nature she allows no one to get close to her, until her sister, whom she never had much of a relationship with, and her crazy friends wormed their way into her heart without her even realising it. Only one other person had accomplished this, but her fears got in the way and she made a decision that would change both their lives. Fate however has a way of stepping in and shaking everything up as Violet would discover when her past collided with her present.

Andre spent three years trying to get over the woman who turned his life inside out, then up, and left him with no warning. All attempts failed, not even his new venture as it reminded him of her. Therefore, an offer from a free spirited woman to spend time in the Cape seems like the perfect solution. Then he came face to face with Violet and all the emotions he thought were buried came bubbling to the surface.

I loved both Violet and Andre. Andre is such a sweet person. Despite being hurt before he is still willing fight for Violet and their love. He saw beyond her tough facade. He knew all her issues, but loved her in spite of them.

My heart went out to Violet. I could not imagine having the life she had has a child. The lack of stability, afraid to get close to anyone, knowing she will not be staying in one place too long.

I loved how Violet found her own and opened herself to family, love and friendship. There is a side to her she did not share with her sister and newfound friends. They saw her as a trash talking biker chick, but there was more to her. She was selfless, artistic and sweet, traits only Andre were privy to.

I could not help but root for them and I hoped they would both get it right the second time around.

Bayside Escape is an emotional story about second chances and coming to terms with the pain of your past. It is about forgiveness, letting go of the pain and hurt and opening up yourself to love. I recommend this latest offering from Ms. Foster to fans of contemporary romance.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 March, 2019: Finished reading
  • 16 March, 2019: Reviewed