ABCs of Mathematics by Chris Ferrie

ABCs of Mathematics

by Chris Ferrie

Simple explanations of complex ideas for your future genius! Written by an expert, The ABCs of Mathematics is a colorfully simple introduction for babies (and grownups!) to a new math concept for every letter of the alphabet―from addition all the way to zero. Each page in this mathematical primer features multiple levels of text so the book grows along with your little mathematician―read just one line of text per page to start or linger on the longer descriptions as baby's vocabulary expands. This alphabetical installment of the Baby University board book series is the perfect way to introduce basic concepts to even the youngest mathematician. Baby University: It only takes a small spark to ignite a child's mind!--Provided by

Reviewed by annieb123 on

3 of 5 stars

I love the idea of this book. By the time children get to formal STEM (science tech engineering and math) education in school, for a lot of them, the level of delight and discovery isn't what it could/should be. A baby book introducing mathematics concepts through bright engaging colors and illustrations is a wonderful idea.

Unfortunately the choices and explanations are dissatisfying in a lot of ways. Other reviewers have pointed out specifics, but there are many places where the illustrations and text aren't at all explanatory (G for Golden Ratio for example)...

Wonderful concept and the book is very appealing.

Three stars

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 2 September, 2017: Reviewed