Elsie Mae Has Something to Say by Nancy J Cavanaugh

Elsie Mae Has Something to Say

by Nancy J Cavanaugh

Elsie Mae Has Something to Say is the perfect book for middle school girls and summer reading book for kids.
From the award-winning author of This Journal Belongs to Ratchet, comes a sweet and uplifting coming of age tale about friendship, sensitivity, and the importance of protecting our planet, making this the perfect growing up book for girls.
Elsie Mae is pretty sure this'll be the best summer ever.
She gets to explore the cool, quiet waters of the Okefenokee Swamp around her grandparents' house with her new dog, Huck, and she's written a letter to President Roosevelt that she's confident will save the swamp from a shipping company and make her a major hometown hero. Then, news reaches Elsie Mae of some hog bandits stealing from swamper families, and she sees another opportunity to make her family proud while waiting to hear back from the White House.
But when her cousin Henry James, who dreams of one day becoming a traveling preacher like his daddy, shows up and just about ruins her investigation with his "Hallelujahs," Elsie Mae will learn the hard way what it really means to be a hero.

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

4 of 5 stars

I would have loved this middle-grade book as a kid. When a young girl trying to make her mark on the world tries to save a swamp and find some thieves! All while trying to deal with a cousin she's not real fond of.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 5 September, 2017: Reviewed