Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Surrender probably would have been better if I had read it earlier, during my Erotica discovery. I still enjoyed it, but it was just a bit too tame for my liking. Also the language at times was really cheesy and unsexy. Tess has been avoiding Cole for two years, after they had a stolen moment. She knows all about Cole's sexual preferences, and how he's all about domination and Tess is convinced that lifestyle is not for her, even though it does arouse her. Most of this is her mother's doing, since apparently anything sexual is evil and makes you a whore. No wonder Tess is missing out.

Most of Surrender is Cole slowly bringing Tess into the world of BDSM. He doesn't push her too far, but he does bring in his best friend to take care of one of her curiosities. We really only get their first and last nights together, and nothing in between, which was a bit disappointing. I would have liked to see have seen more of what Cole was introducing Tess to. As it is though, Surrender was pretty good, if a little awkward at times.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 10 January, 2015: Reviewed