This Thing Called Life by Joseph Vogel

This Thing Called Life

by Joseph Vogel

What were Prince’s politics? What did he believe about God? And did he really forsake the subject—sex—that once made him the most subversive superstar of the Reagan era? In this illuminating thematic biography, Joseph Vogel explores the issues that made Prince one of the late 20th century’s most unique, controversial, and fascinating artists.

Since his unexpected death in 2016, Prince has been recognized by peers, critics, and music fans alike. President Barack Obama described him as “one of the most gifted and prolific musicians of our time.” Yet in spite of the influx of attention, much about Prince’s creative life, work, and cultural impact remains thinly examined. This Thing Called Life fills this vacuum, delving deep into seven key topics—politics, sound, race, gender, sex, religion, and death—that allow us to see Prince in fresh, invigorating new ways. Accessible and timely, This Thing Called Life takes the reader on a journey through the catalog and creative revolution of one of America’s most compelling and elusive icons.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

This Thing Called Life is a retrospective biography by Joseph Vogel on the life and music of Prince. The author is a well known author, critic, and popular culture expert.

Published by Bloomsbury Academic press, released 19th April 2018, it's 240 pages and available in ebook and hardcover formats.

As a nonfiction book and biography, it's full of verifiable facts. Anyone could just find those online. What this author brings to the table is a genuine expertise in assessing and explaining the cultural impact of Prince's music and style in his time and after his death. The book has an interesting layout. Instead of being written around a chronological timeline, it's written thematically. There are discussions about Prince and his feelings about and impact on: politics, music, race, gender, sex, religion, and death. This format leads to some overlap and repetition. I found myself searching through the book backwards sometimes to re-read something from an earlier chapter. While the historical research is precise, the larger takeaway from the book is Mr. Vogel's knowledge of modern music and culture.

I did learn a lot about the artist and his legacy to music and culture but I think I learned more about the culture and music of the 80s than I did about Prince himself. The book is extensively footnoted and the exhaustive bibliography at the end is worth the price of admission.

I could see this being a good book club selection for music/bio/culture book clubs. This would also make a remarkably good support textbook for a lot of courses such as modern American culture, pop music, possibly gender studies, etc... Good book, well written.

Five stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 7 January, 2019: Reviewed